When is cheating really cheating? And what constitutes a faithful relationship? What exactly IS the bridge too far? I’ve known women who felt that if their partners looked at porn, it was the same as cheating. On the other hand, I’ve known people in open marriages for whom the term, as used by monogamous couples is irrelevant. I find the topic of fidelity endlessly fascinating because the boundaries are not easily defined, and it’s a topic that lends itself exquisitely to hot erotica. Erotica is often about exploring, with the written word, sexual boundaries we would never feel safe to cross, or perhaps not really even want to cross in the real world. It was that blurred boundary of fidelity that inspired my new novella, Surrogates.
In spite of the fact that Daniel Alexander III is neurotic about fidelity, his kitchen gardener, Francie Carter is still his mistress … Sort of. He loves her, he wants her, he’s hot for her, but he is meticulously faithful to his wife, Bel. Technically, his secret masturbation sessions with Francie are not really cheating, are they? After all, there’s no touching but self-touching while watching each other. And that will have to suffice until Daniel gets the courage to ask Bel for a Divorce. But how long will poor Francie be satisfied with nothing more than clandestine wank sessions?
Same Sex Tryst
Meanwhile, Daniel’s lovely, bored wife, Isabel, falls, quite by accident into a little girl on girl fun with her new age massage therapist, Ellen. No matter how boring her love life with Daniel is, Bel would never consider having an affair. Besides, Bel doesn’t really consider it cheating if it’s just a little friendly girl fun.
Worried about losing Francie because of his no touch rule, Daniel, who is great at thinking outside the box, and can be very persuasive when he needs to be, convinces his friend, Simon Paris, landscaper for the rich and green fingered, to be his surrogate. How can it be considered cheating if Simon has sex with Francie, while Daniel calls the shots and does a little voyeuristic chicken choking? It’s a perfect win-win … or is it?
The heart draws the line
If a situation seems too good to be true, it usually is. And the blurred line of fidelity can become exacting and razor thin when love is involved and the heart takes over the driver’s seat.
DANIEL ALEXANDER III takes his marriage vows seriously. Until he gets the balls to ask his wife, BEL, for a divorce, watching each other masturbate is all he can offer his beautiful gardener, FRANCIE CARTER. But when Dan’s friend, SIMON PARIS, agrees to be his surrogate, affairs of the heart get complicated.
More info and buy links: http://kdgrace.co.uk/books/surrogates/
Dan groaned. ‘It’s all such a mess. I wasn’t lying when I said Francie’s not my mistress. Well she’s not my mistress in a physical sense. I’m faithful to my wife. We, Francie and I, only ever masturbate together.’
Simon couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter, but the look Dan shot back stopped him mid-guffaw.
‘I know what you think, and I know how utterly ridiculous that sounds, but I swear to you it’s true. I’m crazy about the woman, but I pledged my trough to Bel.
‘You what?’
‘I made a promise, and I’ll not break it. I’ll stay faithful to Bel until I get the balls to ask her for a divorce. I’ll not be like my father was.’
Simon studied Dan for a minute as they walked. ‘And Francie’s OK with this.’
‘Of course she’s not OK with it. That’s the problem.’
‘Then, just ask Bel for a divorce,’ Simon said.
‘Oh I will, I will. It’s just now’s a difficult time. I’ve got so much on my mind. And Bel’s going through some difficult times too, and I just can’t do it right now. It wouldn’t be right.’ He chuckled softly and shot Simon a sideways glance. ‘Remember at Tivoli, when you caught me with Gabriella, and we asked you to join us.’
Simon smiled. ‘It’s like de javu all over again, only you two weren’t exactly having a wank, as I recall. One of the regrets of my youth, not joining your little party. Had a few good wanks thinking about it though.’
It took Simon a second to realize Dan had stopped walking. He stood in knee high grass, his brow drawn tight in deep concentration.
‘Maybe this time we need to turn the tables.’ Dan stroked his chin thoughtfully. ‘You know, altar the equation just slightly.’
Dan began to walk again, slowly. ‘What if Francie and I invited you to join us?’
‘Only this time I’d be the one having a wank. Oh I’d be telling you what to do to her and all, or she’d be asking you, but think about it, Simon, how she must feel. She knows I still have sex with Bel. Granted, not very often, but I do my husbandly duty when she asks me.’
‘Your husbandly duty. Right.’
‘My point is that I get at least some sex because Bel is my wife, and I’m faithful to her. But poor Francie’s faithful to me. She doesn’t get anything but a wank, and she has to provide that for herself. I can’t even touch her, Simon, because I’m afraid once I do I won’t be able to stop myself. But if you, as my old and trusted friend, were to make love to her for me, you know be my surrogate, then Francie could get some satisfaction too, and maybe…’
‘You want me to fuck your mistress for you?’ Simon spoke around the hammering of his heart.
‘Don’t you think she’s attractive?’ Dan asked.
K D Grace was born with a writing obsession. It got worse once she actually learned HOW to write. There’s no treatment for it. It’s progressive and chronic and quite often interferes with normal, everyday functioning. She might actually be concerned if it wasn’t so damned much fun most of the time.
K D’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels, The Initiation of Ms Holly, The Pet Shop and Lakeland Heatwave Book 1: Body Temperature and Rising are published by Xcite Books and are available from all good paperback and eBook retailers.
Her erotica has been published with Xcite Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and Scarlet Magazine.
Find out more about K D Grace on her website, http://kdgrace.co.uk. She’s also on Facebook and Twitter.
Win a $25 All Romance eBooks Gift Card!
As part of her Surrogates blog tour, K D Grace would like to give away a $25 All Romance eBooks Gift Card to one lucky winner. All you have to do is enter using the below Rafflecopter to be in with a chance of winning. Increase your chances of winning by visiting the other stops on the tour and leaving comments there, too!
See where else K D Grace is visiting here: http://www.writermarketing.co.uk/prpromotion/blog-tours/currently-on-tour/k-d-grace/
Thanks for having me on EFA, Lucy! Totally one of my favourite places to be! Very excited to be able to talk about Surrogates and share the fun.
KD x
Beautiful cover! And the book sounds good too.
Thanks Greenduckie!
Can’t take credit for the cover, but I did feel like Mischief had read my mind because it was so perfect for the story. However, I can take credit for the story, and I do hope you’ll read it and enjoy it.
K Dx
Oh, intriguing topic!
thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway. i love the cover, it’s beautiful and the excerpt was wonderfully intrigueing. i can hardly wait to see what happens next. 🙂
tammy ramey
Hello Ladies,
Thank you to Erotica For All for hosting K D Grace on your Blog. KD I really enjoyed your Guest Post, it was Very Intriguing & quite Thought Provoking….your new release “Surrogates” sounds Imaginatively Riveting & Titillating…..Daniel thinks outside the box alright! 😉 LOL I’d very much like to read this inter-twined story of Daniel Alexander III, his Wife Isabel, His sort-of-Mistress Francie Carter & His Friend, Simon Paris for a Hot and Delish page-turner!
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to be considered in your very generous giveaway for a $25 All Romance eBooks Gift Card as part of your “Surrogates” Blog Tour. Thank You.
I signed up for your Newsletter but unfortunately I am not a Member of Facebook or Twitter, but I did fill out the Rafflecopter.
Take Care & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)