Here’s an author interview with Kelli Scott.
Take it away, Kelli…
- How did you start writing erotica?
I was already writing for Cerridwen Press, Ellora’s Cave non-erotic line when EC came out with the new Branded line of erotic stories of married couples. Intrigued with the concept, I wrote Stormy Wedding.
- What’s your favourite published work of yours and why?
Do I have to pick just one? Stormy Wedding was my first and has been a finalist in several contests, so it holds a special place in my heart. Drive-In is very personal to me, and written about something I was going through at the time. And Passion Pill just has such a great message. A reader said it had heart, which I thought was sweet.
- What erotic authors do you enjoy reading?
I read my writer pal Lea Barrymire’s books. I’ve read many Ellora’s Cave authors, trying to get a feel for what readers gravitate to and what EC is looking for in erotic stories.
- Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Real life stories I see in the news. Sometimes my life. My fears and issues sometimes.
- Do you have any unusual writing rituals?
I like for the house to be empty, but that rarely happens.
- Where’s your favourite place to write?
In bed.
- Do your nearest and dearest know what you do, and if so, what was their reaction when they found out?
My significant other knows and thinks it’s great. A handful of writing friends, a mix of erotic writers and non-erotic writers know.
- What was your ideal career when you were a child?
I think I was always a writer and didn’t know it. I wrote for fun as a child but was never encouraged to continue. I took it back up late in life.
- How do you get yourself in the mood to write?
I am always in the mood. I resent having to do anything else, like go to work, cook, clean etc…
- What’s the best writing tip you’ve ever been given?
I can’t pick just one. I’d forgotten just about everything about grammar, spelling and punctuation that I was taught in school. Learning to write was like someone learning to walk again after a bad accident. I was given so much advice about basics before I could even start to digest the finer points of writing.
- If you get writer’s block when you’re writing, how do you get around it?
I just reread what I’ve already written and hope something comes to me. I have many unfinished stories on my computer.
- If you could bring one of your characters to life, which one would it be and why?
I think I’ll pick Diego Ramos from Silk Stalkings. He’s hot and sweet and a good person wrapped in a bad boy package.
- What’s your favourite genre within erotica and why?
I love paranormal because you aren’t limited by anything but your imagination. But I mostly write contemporary because it’s what I know. I love toying with historicals, but I’m too afraid of getting historical details wrong to brave submitting one for publication.
- What are you working on at the moment?
An erotic ghost story.
- What’s the biggest writing challenge you’ve ever taken on? Did you succeed?
I’m trying to write a series, so no I haven’t succeeded yet. I get distracted by other sparkly stories.
- What’s your biggest writing achievement? Why?
I was an EPIC (Electronic Publishing Industry Coalition) finalist, which is pretty exciting. I’d like to win some day.