OAJ, better known as On A Junket, a website well-known for its travel stories, is embarking on a new adventure – erotic recounts from passionate travelers.
OAJ receives hundreds of funny, scary and mostly risque travel stories and essays. But there are a few tales we receive that are not so appropriate for OAJ’s readers.
This is where Adventures Of The Traveling Sex Bunnies begot life.
Looking to cancel a few travel excursions, get naughty with a local or discover there’s definitely more to pleasure than you already know? Then enjoy our travelers’ exploits they have so willingly wanted to share. Adventures Of The Traveling Sex Bunnies are escapades by real adventures that found out that travel is more fun when sex is involved.
Website: http://adventuresofthetravelingsexbunnies.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Adventures-of-the-Traveling-Sex-Bunnies/173507692857580
Email: mtravelsexbunnies@gmail.com
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Adventures-Traveling-Sex-Bunnies-Testing-ebook/dp/B00IK55PTI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1394489657&sr=1-1&keywords=adventures+of+the+traveling+sex+bunnies