Jo B. Hayve is the obvious pseudonym of a shy writer. Jo grew up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in the places Charlotte hangs and haunts, and often felt as misplaced as she did. In many ways, like her, Jo did not fit in. Living now in Austin, Texas, where half the world seems to have moved in the last few years, Jo is less a misfit, but still not completely comfortable. As a vegetarian, feminist, egalitarian-in-every-way, politically-minded medieval history major, maybe fitting in was never a preference, anyway.
Jo B. Hayve was born out of a desire to do the opposite: to not behave. Humans do not have to surrender their passions to become more compassionate, understanding creatures. Erotica is a path to equality, in which a woman can find her true desires without having to become the object of a man’s desire. She can take charge of her own sexuality without having to release her desire for sex. Any ideology or belief that tells a woman who she can sleep with, or under what conditions she can sleep with them, is oppressive. Fairy tales, political systems, religions, marital expectations, and even the language we speak, which has created insults and praises based on a woman’s appropriate sexual behavior, must all be rewritten. Not destroyed, necessarily. Just written to include the equal needs and desires of both–of all–genders. And all peoples, however they are differently defined.
Jo B. Hayve’s first novel is Inside Charlotte, Book One of The Promiscuous Wanderings of Charlotte Somerset, available on Kindle in ebook only. It is the tale of a professor who realizes her life is based on the expectations of others. She begins to change her life, to break every rule so that she can rebuild herself in full honesty, as she really is, jettisoning the lies and finding her truth. Her journey is a lot of fun. Join her!
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