Dark Hollows Press is currently accepting submissions for its St. Patrick’s Day anthology.
Stories should be between 3k and 10k words and be of a paranormal slant. Specifically, the story should contain some element of Irish or Celtic folklore. All stories should be of a romantic nature – that is contain a love story with a happily ever after or happy for now ending.
Heat levels may vary from spicy to overtly explicit and may involve pairings and/or multiple partners of any gender and preference as long as all participants are of legal age and consenting.
All submissions must be edited for grammar, spelling, and punctuation and should be double-spaced in a standard 12-point font. A one-page synopsis should be submitted along with the full manuscript as an attachment in RTF.
Emails may be sent to “darkhollowspress@gmail.com, Attn: St Patrick’s Day”. Deadline for submissions is 10 February 2014.