Taken In is an intriguing story about what happens when the supernaturals take over the world. They’ve forced the humans to serve them, and in short, it’s really not a safe time to be a human – except at a place called the Store Front, where a level of protection is afforded. It’s not ideal, as they’re forced to feed and have sex with the supernaturals – but it’s safer than going it alone in the outside world.
Kitty works at the Store Front, and has a pretty miserable existence. The only bright points in her life are when wolf shifter, Vic, and his best friend, vampire Gale, visit her. She loves being with them, and when she’s not, longs for the moment when they will come to her again.
The wolf and vampire adore Kitty, and want to take her away from the Store Front, but realise that convincing her they’re not just using her will be tough. But they’ve still got to try…
This was an enjoyable short paranormal tale, packed with action, romance and hot sex scenes. It was a unique take on a paranormal read, and one I’d recommend to fans of the genre.
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Totally Bound Publishing