Here’s an author interview with Emily L. Byrne. Take it away, Emily…
An Interview with Anne Bordeaux (@anne_bordeaux)
Here’s an author interview with Anne Bordeaux. Take it away, Anne…
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An Interview with Charlie Cochrane (@charliecochrane)
Why do you choose to write stories set in this time period?
Of all the historical eras I write in, the early twentieth century feels the most comfortable. I have tried my hand at Regency and WWII, but my heart lies within the thirty or so years either side of 1900. Why? Because ever since childhood, I’ve read authors from that era. Conan Doyle, Jerome K Jerome, Wilkie Collins, EM Forster and the like. I can almost see and hear that time and writing the right cadence for the dialogue comes naturally. Add to that a passion for WWI poetry and living in an Edwardian house, then my choosing that era almost seems inevitable.
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An Interview with Santino Hassell (@SantinoHassell)
1) How did you start writing erotica?
Basically, it started with and then fanfiction. I realized there was a way to tell stories that (at the time) weren’t published in books or shown on TV, and I could put it out there for an audience. It was mind blowing, and I never stopped writing or wanting to show people my stories.
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An Interview with CL Mustafic (@CL_Mustafic @GoIndiMarketing @ninestarpress)
Have you ever experienced “Writer’s Block”? How long do they usually last?
I don’t think so. I’ve come to a road block on a certain story before but then I usually just work on something else for a bit. Sometimes stepping away from a project helps get it back on track.
[Read more…] about An Interview with CL Mustafic (@CL_Mustafic @GoIndiMarketing @ninestarpress)
An Interview with Amber Malloy (@authambermalloy)
How did you start writing erotica?
I love a good romance, but the language in romance novels are unrealistic to me. I tried a sweet romance and it didn’t work. It’s erotica all the way for me.
What’s your favourite published work of yours and why?
My first paranormal series. Technically, it could be better, but it ended exactly the way I envisioned.
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